Pre-requisites #

1. Create an Account and Validate #

To create an account on Payunit as a merchant. Click to create an account.

2. Create an Application #

By default all merchants have an application, to create a new application, go to your dashboard in the section All application > create application, enter all information of your application and validate

3. Get your credentials #

3.1 Api Username and Api Password #

Get the merchant Api User, merchant API key, and merchant API Password from the merchant dashboard under the settings >ApiKeys List section

3.2 Application key #

To get the keys of your application, go to the dashboard of the merchants, and display the list of your application ( Applications > all applications ) then select the application you want, then click on the tab application details ( Application detail )

The PayUnit REST API provides a restful interface for developers to make direct API calls to the PayUnit payment aggregator.

The PayUnit REST-API requires the developer to have a server setup. This server is expected to implement and expose a notify endpoint which will receive and handle the payment transaction responses submitted by PayUnit. PayUnit expects that this endpoint receives a POST request with the payload shown below.

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "Your transaction detail",
    "data": {
        "transaction_amount": "100.00000",
        "transaction_status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "transaction_id": "pu-734098-197530",
        "purchaseRef": null,
        "callback_url": ""

Making the API calls #

  • Http Headers :

Specifications HTTP headers for all the API calls

Http headerDescription
Content-TypeContent type supported is :  application/json
AuthorizationHttp basic Auth encoded in Base 64 and formatted as follow : Basic Base64(apiUser:apiPassword)
x-api-keyYour application Token
modeThe current mode operation. Can either be “test” when testing in sandbox or “live” when ready for production.

1. Request to initialization a transaction on PayUnit #

  • End point: {BASE_URL}/gateway/initialize
  • Request method: POST

Request body : 

total_amountyesThe amount to be paid
transaction_idyesThis transaction should be unique per request and it should be a string
. This id should be alphanumeric and less than 20 characters
currencyyesThe currency you want to use: XAF
return_urlyesThe url or endpoint to be called upon payment completion
notify_urlnoPayment result notification to your server


curl -X POST \
   '{BASE_URL}/gateway/initialize' \
 	-H 'Authorization: Basic cGF5dW5pdF9UU5LTg1MjMtZTEwZDZmMDg1ODk3' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'x-api-key: your_api_key' \
	-H 'mode: test' \
	-d '{
	"total_amount" : "amount_to_be_pay",
	"currency" : "XAF",
	"transaction_id" : "unique_id_in_your_system",
	"return_url" : "",

Response body :

t_idThe transaction id that has been encrypted
t_sumThe amount that has been encrypted
t_urlThe return url that has been encrypted
transaction_idThis transaction should be unique per request and it should be a string.
This id should be alphanumeric and less than 20 characters
transaction_url    The return url that takes a user to the payment platform


    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "Transaction created!",
    "data": {
        "t_id": "YTQxZjc5YTM2MmJhNGQ3OWVjYTgxMjUxZTg0ZjZjZDQwMw==",
        "t_sum": "ZTU1YTY0",
        "transaction_id": "pu-01258-0121c058",
        "transaction_url": "",
        "providers": []

2 – Making payments on PayUnit #

2.1 Using Hosted Pages #

Use the link available in the transaction_url response to be redirected to the PayUnit payment interface. The interface is shown below.

2.2 Continuous using Rest API ( Working only for the following PSP : Orange , Mtn, Express Union) #

2.2.1 Get all PSP on PayUnit #

  • End point: {BASE_URL}/gateway/gateways?t_url=””&t_id=””&t_sum=””
  • Request method: GET

Request parameter : 

t_idyesThe transaction id that has been encrypted
t_sumyesThe amount that has been encrypted
t_urlyesThe return url that has been encrypted


curl -X GET \
	'{BASE_URL}/gateway/gateways?t_url=tyty*****&t_id=ytyy*****&t_sum=ytyty*****' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic cGF5dW5pdF9UU5LTg1MjMtZTEwZDZmMDg1ODk3' \
    -H 'x-api-key: your_api_key' \
    -H 'mode: test' 

Response body :

statusCodeThe statusCode of the request:
– 20x for success
– 400 or 500 for failed 
messageThe message sent back by the system
created_atcreation date
updated_atupdated date
privider_idid of the provider
provider_namename of the provider
privider_logologo of the provider
provider_short_tagprovider short tag
provider_statusstatus of the provider


    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "subscribe provider",
    "data": [
            "id": 2,
            "created_at": "2022-10-15T08:57:00.918Z",
            "updated_at": "2022-10-15T08:57:00.918Z",
            "deleted_at": null,
            "shortcode": "CM_ORANGE",
            "name": "ORANGE MONEY",
            "logo": "",
            "balance": "0",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "country": {
                "id": 8,
                "created_at": "2022-10-15T08:57:00.881Z",
                "updated_at": "2022-10-15T08:57:00.881Z",
                "deleted_at": null,
                "country_name": "Cameroon",
                "country_code": "CM"
            "id": 1,
            "created_at": "2022-10-15T08:57:00.918Z",
            "updated_at": "2022-10-15T08:57:00.918Z",
            "deleted_at": null,
            "shortcode": "CM_MTNMOMO",
            "name": "MTN MOMO",
            "logo": "",
            "balance": "0",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "country": {
                "id": 8,
                "created_at": "2022-10-15T08:57:00.881Z",
                "updated_at": "2022-10-15T08:57:00.881Z",
                "deleted_at": null,
                "country_name": "Cameroon",
                "country_code": "CM"

2.2.2 Make payment on PayUnit #

  • End point: {BASE_URL}/gateway/makepayment
  • Request method : POST

Request Body : 

gatewayyesprovider short tag
amountyesThe amount to be pay
transaction_idyesThis transaction should be unique per request
notify_urlnoPayment result notification to your server
phone_numberyesThe phone number of you customer
currencyyesThe currency you want to use: XAF
paymentTypeyesPayment Type


curl -X POST \
   '{BASE_URL}/gateway/makepayment' \
 	-H 'Authorization: Basic  cGF5dW5pdF9UU5LTg1MjMtZTEwZDZmMDg1ODk3' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	-H 'x-api-key: your_api_key' \
	-H 'mode: test' \
	-d '{
	"gateway" : "mtnmomo",
	"amount" : 15000,
	"transaction_id" : "unique_id_in_your_system",
	"return_url" : "",
	"phone_number" : "655487***", 
	"currency" : "XAF", 
    "paymentType": "button"

Response body :

payment_ref Reference of the Payment
transaction_idId of the transaction
transaction_amountAmount wil be pay


    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "Sandbox payment successful",
    "data": {
        "create_time": "2022-10-27T12:03:37.644Z",
        "update_time": "2022-10-27T12:03:37.644Z",
        "delete_time": null,
        "id": 3295,
        "transaction_id": "pu-01258-0121c058",
        "transaction_amount": 100,
        "transaction_real_amount": null,
        "transaction_url": "",
        "transaction_status": "INITIATE",
        "transaction_currency": "XAF",
        "return_url": "",
        "transaction_description": null,
        "purchaseRef": null,
        "transaction_name": null,
        "transaction_notify_url": "",
        "provider_id": null,
        "transaction_gateway": null,
        "transaction_callback": "",
        "transaction_response_data": null,
        "transaction_request_data": {},
        "provider_transaction_key": null,
        "transaction_fee": "0.000",
        "user_id": "c7fc3c2e-a2fe-4da8-880a-8de32fbbc610",
        "username": "payunit_q7QlcNVe8",
        "transaction_mode": "SANDBOX",
        "transaction_type": "PAYMENTS_COLLECTION",
        "application_id": "17fe16e5-34c0-4d69-b62b-36d81d26bfdb",
        "receiver_id": null

3. Getting the payment transaction status on PayUnit #

  • End point: {BASE_URL}/gateway/paymentstatus?transaction_id={transaction_id}
  • Request method: GET

Request parameter : 

transaction_idyesTransaction id


curl -X GET \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'x-api-key: your_api_key' \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic cGF5dW5pdF9UU5LTg1MjMtZTEwZDZmMDg1ODk3' \
    -H 'mode: test' 

Response body :

transaction_idId of the transaction
transactions the transaction
statusTransaction Status:
– FAILED for Payment failed
callback_urlThe url or endpoint to be called upon payment completion
transaction_amountAmount of the transactions
statusCodeThe statusCode of the request:
 – 20x for success
– 400 or 500 for failed

Response Example:

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "Your transaction detail",
    "data": {
        "transaction_amount": "10.00000",
        "transaction_status": "SUCCESSFUL",
        "transaction_id": "pu-734098-197530",
        "purchaseRef": null,
        "callback_url": ""


click here to download the postman collection

Updated on 28 October 2022