Flutter SDK

Requirements #

If you don’t know how to get your API credentials in the Dashboard, please consult Getting your API Key documentation.

To Get Started with this SDK, Make sure you have a Flutter application ready. Also make sure you subscribe to the various payment providers you want

Installation #

pay_unit_sdk: ^2.0.20
Use flutter sdk v.1.22.0 +  #
Android minSdkVersion must be 19+  #
Add mavenCentral() to your project :  #

Add mavenCentral() to allprojects in gradle > build.gradle .

allprojects {
    repositories {
        mavenCentral() <---

Get all your packages Using:

flutter pub get

Using the SDK #

Import PayUnit in the required widget

import 'package:pay_unit_sdk/payunitpackage.dart';
Add // @dart=2.9 to your main.dart before importation list to avoid null-safety

Use the pay button as a widget.

// @dart=2.9 <-- put this to your main.dart before importation list to avoid null-safety
import ....
              apiUser:"<Your apiuser>",
              apiPassword:  "<Your apiPassword>",
              apiKey: "<Your apiKey>",
              transactionId: "<The id of your transaction>",
              mode: 'sandbox' // sandbox or live,
              transactionCallBackUrl:"<Your transactionCallBackUrl url>",
              notiFyUrl: "<Your notification url>",
              transactionAmount:  "<Your transaction amount>",
              currency:"XAF", //// The currency of your transaction : XAF for FCFA or USD for $ ect ...
              buttonTextColor:  "<Custom the color of the text PayUnit button>",
              productName:"<The name of the product>",
              color: "<Custom the color of PayUnit button>",///the colors of the PayUnit Button text DEFAULT WHITE,
              actionAfterProccess: (transactionId, transactionStatus) {
               //here is the action who start after the end of the paiement , you can perform 	
               //some operation here , like display a alertDialog after the end of the payment.

Then in your view a PayUnit button will appear. When clicked, performs the actual payment.

Demo #

Watch demo video here https://youtu.be/QrcgV2g8LzE


Updated on 12 November 2021