Payment Aggregator

Online payment solution provider in Cameroon

10 Benefits of Using PayUnit to Collect Payments Online in Cameroon

Statistics on online payment in Cameroon point to what you already know:  By the year 2040, it is estimated that 95% of all global purchases will be done through e-commerce. For this reason, more and more businesses in Cameroon, small and large are collecting payments online.  Consequently, there has been an explosion of Fintech companies …

10 Benefits of Using PayUnit to Collect Payments Online in Cameroon Read More »

4 Reasons Why Digital Payments in Cameroon Will Continue to Grow

The Internet is now over four decades old. In Cameroon, it is much younger. How come digital payments are already a big deal? You remember when it was comfortable browsing the internet at 25Kbps. Back then, streaming was out of the equation. Websites were not important. Cash was all we considered. Fast-forward to 2021. There …

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